Facebook Business Guide – How To Sell On Facebook

We all know Facebook! We login, check our newsfeeds, read some interesting shares, stalk our crush or ex (sometimes both), like, comment and share, then move on. But what about marketing on Facebook, and for ecommerce businesses, how would you sell on Facebook?

Although using Facebook for a business is similar to the personal usage, there are things you would need to know to promote your business, grow your fan base and sell on Facebook directly. To newbies and the general Facebook user this can be a bit overwhelming, and can take several trials and errors to learn. To those of you that need the guidance, we’re happy to announce the first first guide in a series of upcoming tutorials by Wazala.

The Sellers Guide To Getting Started On Facebook!

The guide is a collaborative effort by several team members of Wazala, who we like to call the Facebook gurus! It is intended to enlighten you about Facebook marketing, point out tricks on Facebook business management, and take you through the process in easy to read steps. We promise, No Tough Words to learn!

We can’t stress enough how important your Facebook presence is, and how it can help elevate your brand recognition, and more importantly why you should be selling on Facebook. And now you have no excuses! You can download your FREE copy from our Facebook page, and get started learning about fcommerce and Facebook business marketing right away.

Some of the topics found in the guide are:

Why use Facebook for business:
The power of a Facebook business page, and how it can elevate your brand recognition, reach, Search Engine Optimization through engagements and word of mouth.

Setting up a Facebook business page:
Step-by-step instructions on creating the page, filling out the details, customizing the look, adding apps, deciding on different settings, managing admins and their roles.

What you need to know about selling on Facebook
The benefits of selling on Facebook and how fcommerce differs from ecommerce. Types of products best suited for Facebook and the tools you need to make this a success.

Getting your store set up
The features of the Wazala Facebook store and why you should be using it. Getting your store set up and integrated within your Facebook page.

Tips and tricks on getting more fans
Engaging your fans and creating buzz about your products. Posting etiquette and understanding the “Like” button. How to start a conversation and incentivize.

Promoting your products for sale on Facebook
Using the Wazala social promoter, with Facebook page features you should be using to get extra visibility and promote your goods.

Expanding your reach and learning Facebook Insights
Using Facebook ads and promoted posts to get extra visibility. Tips on making sure you’re using Facebook to complement your blog, and other online initiatives.

Plus much much more!

We hope you would enjoy reading this as much as we enjoyed creating it. And we’d love to know what you think in the comments below.

Happy Facebook Selling Everyone! Now go get your copy!


