Getting Started With Content Marketing For eCommerce

Content Marketing For eCommerce

Starting an ecommerce business can be tough at the beginning. You’re not really well known, your site is fairly new and has minimal traffic, and your tight budget is not allowing you to spend like the big boys to get the reach and visibility you deserve. True you may be loosing out to the likes of Amazon, but the beauty of the internet is that everyone gets a chance, and you don’t need $$$$ to do it, you just need determination, time and great content.

The most common mistake we see is a business without a blog or an abandoned blog. You may feel that you don’t get enough traffic so there is no point in writing if no one is reading it, but this is where you’re wrong! Your blog will help you get more traffic by allowing search engines to rank you for more keywords. So write about a product and explain it in detail. Write about your store policy, write about your suppliers, write about your shipping process. Write content your customer would want to read. When you write about your own niche and cover it well you will be perceived as an authority, and hopefully not only by readers, but also by search engines.

Create Videos
Videos are a great way to showcase a product. Start with your design process, document your time working on a product and create an informative and inspirational video you would be proud to share. Do this often and utilize all sorts of channels, like YouTube, Vimeo, Vine and Instagram. Plant yourself everywhere you feel your customers hang out and show off your creations. You’d be surprised how willing they are to share great content.

Guest Blog
Once you have your own blog publishing regularly and creating enticing content, consider guest blogging. Reach out to blogs in your niche and offer an article – most of them offer guest blogging opportunities if you’re covering a topic they are missing and willing to write good content. Do your research first and get to know the blog and what they usually publish to make sure you’re offering the right type of content.

Get Reviewed
Got a unique or creative way you put this product together? Asking industry leaders to review your product might work wonders for you. Offer them to try it out (yes, you actually need to send it to them) and hopefully they will love it enough to write about it! Think traffic-heavy blogs that are very relevant and read by your own customers.

Creating content on the web about your own brand and products is the fastest way to get noticed, and it will help in the long run in establishing your authority. Just be careful not to use any link building tactics that can get you penalized by search engines. We recommend you write your own content, link out to others, and hopefully thought leaders will share it, link to it and give you some love.


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