Work Smarter






work smart

Work smarter for your business by utilizing technology and online tools. The fate of your small business is in your hands. By working smarter you can optimize your online store and website efficiency. Running a business is difficult and often times is a twenty four hour a day job. Mastering the a few tools can help increase efficiency and saving you money and time.

Google Adwords has become a necessity for all serious business owners and a staple in digital marketing campaigns. Adwords allows you to target your marketing messages at specific customers using keywords. With Adwords you know exactly where every penny goes and how that investment is influencing sales. You can see how customers react to different keywords and which result in sales. In the past, marketers would have to cast out a wide net of ideas and hope that it catches without any direct feedback from customers. Now with Adwords you can get immediate data and adjust your marketing strategy to optimize sales and conversion rates.

One of the greatest things about starting a business today is the sheer amount of data that we have access too. Market research is big business and costs millions of dollars to set up focus groups, case studies, and surveys for businesses to gather data on consumers. Luckily for us, we have Analytics to give us data on our customers for free. With analytics we can see who is visiting our website, where they come from, what products they like, how long they stay on the site, what pages they liked, and what pages they didn’t like. All of this amazing data about customers from analytics helps shape the quality of your website and increases conversion rates.

Utilizing the power of analytics you can test different ideas on your customer base. Using A/B testing you can find out what your customers like better and optimize every aspect of your website to fit. This kind of testing allows you to get the most out of your efforts and gain important insights about your customers. Along with A/B testing, analytics allows you to add a greater feel of personalization to your website. You can know what your customers are looking for and optimize your store to suggest products based off of your data. This in turn will lead to more conversions and a happier shopping experience for your customers.

With just a few tools and a bit of effort on your end you can optimize your website to fit your clients needs and grow your business. Give it a try and let me know how it has helped.

