Social Network Engagement: How Do They Really Perform?

Social network engagement: How do they really perform?

We all know that social network engagement is the name of the game for today’s digital marketing strategy. But how do social networks compare to each other? Who is really driving engagement? For the savvy entrepreneur it’s nice to know which social media networks perform the best. In an analysis of over 200,000 websites Shareaholic crunches the real world numbers of the top social networks to give us data on who is performing the best and how they are doing it.

The top eight social network platforms studied include: Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Reddit, Twitter, StumbleUpon, and YouTube. The study focused on three engagement indicators: bounce rate, page visits, and page duration. After the dust settled Shareaholic found that the top performer was Youtube across the board followed by Google+ and Linkedin. The least performing social network platforms were StumbleUpon and Reddit.

Take a look at your social network platforms and how you communicate with your customers. How much of your digital marketing strategy is devoted to the top performers on this list? It might be time to reevaluate your strategy and focus on the social network platforms that will perform the best for your goals. With social network tools equipped on your Wazala store finding the best way to engage your customers will only help to drive sales and reach success. Happy Selling.

