Promoting Your Products With Pinterest

Pinterest is a social network that is gaining a lot of traction right now, and it’s easy to understand why. It’s so addictive! Wazala has a Pinterest, which we use to highlight products that people are selling using Wazala. If you have an awesome product, let us know and we’ll check it out! You deserve some love! But you should also create your own account, as Pinterest is a great platform to promote your products and get inspired by others.

How Pinterest Works.

When you sign up, you are asked to create a Pinterest board. This could be anything you want it to be, from “Cats in nature” to “fashion”. Then when you find a picture or video on the web that catches your eye, you can “pin it” to one of your Pinterest boards. Any one can see these these pins, and share them on their boards if they like. Pinned items link directly back to the site they were pinned from, which means if someone sees a product they like, they can go right to your site and buy it. You can also share your pinned items on other social networks, which will increase the potential for your pins to go viral. From an ecommerce standpoint, Pinterest is basically a virtual product catalog, albeit a very hip product catalog. So start pinning your products! Make sure not to only pin products pictures though. Like any social network, it is important to interact with the community by finding inspiring pins on other people board and sharing them on yours. It’s a give and take, but the potential for word of mouth is obvious.

The key to being successful on Pinterest is taking great pictures of unique items, so make sure your pictures pop! Products that do well on Pinterest are unique and visually appealing. Check out some of our pins below and HAPPY PINNING.

PS: Stay tuned for the Pin It button to be added right within your store, so others can pin your products when visiting your shop.

